Course: stock fundamentals

Stock Basics

Get yourself ready for the stock market and learn about common stocks, preferred stocks and other basic concepts

by William C. Spaulding

Share Classes of Common Stock

Most companies issue common stock, each share having 1 voting right. But some companies issue different shares divided into different classes with different voting rights and is initially apportioned to different types of investors...

by William C. Spaulding

Types of Stocks

Blue chips or pink sheets, growth or cyclical, speculative or non speculative, there are many ways to categorize stocks.

by William C. Spaulding


Investors can earn a profit by buying stock in 2 ways, buy the stock low and sell it for a higher price, and by receiving dividends.

by William C. Spaulding


Margin is the use of equity in brokerage accounts as collateral to borrow money or to sell short, to cover the risk of loss, equal to the percentage of equity over the market value of the account.

by William C. Spaulding

Selling Short

most investors make money by buying a stock or other security at a low price, then selling it later for a higher price but some investors make money when the price of a stock falls.

by William C. Spaulding